Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What is Going on? Topic 1 Job or not a Job

Mexico's got its own Monkey business going on

I imagine that there are tons of things that go on in the United States that are pretty strange for foreigners.  Things that we take for granted.  Things that we think are common everywhere.  But I bet they're not.  When my mom put rice in our salt shakers, I thought that it was something only my family did.  Then I saw salt in restaurants, so I thought it was something we did in my town....  as my world got bigger, so did my realization that pretty much everybody puts rice in their salt shakers, pretty much everywhere in the world, no matter where they are.

Well, just as this is true about so many things, the opposite is also true.  Things we think are really normal are maybe, well, not.

I have lived here in Mexico for long enough to notice some pretty strange things happening.  Things that to a Mexican may seem perfectly normal.  However, to me, a full fledged American girl, it made me wonder what in the heck was going on. 

THAT'S A JOB? The Viene Viene

Literally translated a viene viene is a come come.  What a come come does is work in a parking lot, (or sometimes on the street.)  They wait for you to come out of the grocery store and ask if you want help putting your things in the car.  They take your cart, and then stand behind your car saying come come come when it is "safe" to pull out.

At this point it is customary to hand over a tip.  The amount depends on many things.  Did s/he take your cart?  Did s/he move your things into the trunk.  Do you think this is a useful service?  Is the come come extremely old.  Is it possible that this person stopped someone from breaking your window and stealing your radio.  If you answered yes to any of these questions you should probably hand over something.

What do you think?  Is this a job.

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